  • ReTwist-T


    RetailAntiquesArtistFamily-OwnedFemale-OwnedGiftsHome FurnishingsJewelryMinority-Owned

    About Us

    ReTwist-T is a team of artists, makers, artisans, and curators who share a passion for reflecting natural beauty through unique home décor, gifts and fine art.

    Our goal is to uncover the hidden potential in vin-tique, reclaimed and rustic materials. Our handmade items are lovingly designed with careful attention to detail. We hope you enjoy our work as much as we enjoy bringing it to you!


    • Handcrafted, Curated & Vin-tique Boutique
    • Curated Vintage
    • Handcrafted Jewelry & Home Goods
    • Natural Self Care Products and Candles
    • Gift Cards for every occasion!


    Furnishings with a Twist
    Upcycled Crafts
    Fine Art in the Galloway Gallery
    ReTwist-T is thinking up fun - See you soon!
    Handcrafted Candles, Soaps and Self Care in the Apothocary
    Handcrafted Home Decor
    Handmade Gift Items
    Boutique featuring customized, curated and locally designed apparel
    Handmade and Selectively Curated Jewelry