
  • Culver-Community-Park.JPG
  • History

    The idea for a large scale community park began in 2010 when a group of individuals came together with a dream to bring a community park and recreation center to Sauk Prairie.


    In 2015, the Recreation Commission completed a Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan (CORP) which sets forth a vision for future growth and development of outdoor recreation parks and facilities. The CORP highlighted a need for a new community park in Sauk Prairie through parkland classification analysis. Within the CORP assessment, it was noted that the community did not have sufficient athletic fields and current field conditions were insufficient to standards because of their overuse. 


    A Growing Need

    Our current parks within Sauk Prairie continue to be developed and renovated to provide greater recreational opportunities, but there are significant areas of concern for our parks:


    • We are 42 acres short of park acreage based on population growth
    • Many of our current athletic fields are overused and are in poor condition because they receive almost 2.5 times the amount of use per field than recommended by experts. Most fields are expected to have 70 events per field, where our current fields exceed this usage with an average of 191 events per field per year. This high usage leads to an increase in injuries for athletes.
    • This park will create and provide recreational opportunities for all ages. Added amenities and facilities will continue to grow our thriving park system.

    Click here to learn more




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